Looking for a Pruvit coupon code to save on Keto OS or other Pruvit products? Try this one:
We’re sorry, we just couldn’t resist.
No, seriously. Our mission is to create as many positive experiences as possible with the benefits of ketones. And if it’s a Keto OS coupon code that gets you to try it, we’ll do our best to provide you with one. But before we offer you a Pruvit discount code, let us explain some things…
There is no permanent, always working Pruvit Coupon Code –
This just means that we don’t have a Pruvit coupon code that can give you a discount at all times. Pruvit coupons must be generated by a Pruvit Promoter and created with a company currency called, Pruvit bucks.
Pruvit bucks are dollar value credits that are earned when a Promoter signs up new customers into their business. Pruvit bucks can used by the Promoter to make personal product purchases. Or, they can be made into coupon codes for anyone to use via the Pruvit online store.
Products that are currently eligible to be discounted with a Pruvit coupon code are:
- KETO//OS Unleashed
- KETO//OS Pro + MCT
- MCT//143 Virgin Coconut MCT Oil
- KETO//UP Energy Drinks
- BETTER//BROTH Keto Broth
- MITO//PLEX Electrolytes
Products that are currently NOT eligible for a Pruvit coupon code are:
- 60 Hour Keto Reboot Kit (already discounted at 16% off)
- 10 Day Drink Ketones Challenge (already discounted at 22% off)
- 24FAST (limited time offer)
After a new Pruvit product has been around for a certain period of time, they are added to the list of products that can be discounted with a coupon code. So keep an eye out for some the newest Pruvit keto products to become eligible in the future.
Ways to save money without a Coupon –
While using a coupon code is a quick and easy way to get a discount on Pruvit products, there are a few more alternatives you should consider (to become eligible for these discounts, you must first make your first online purchase and become a Pruvit customer:
1. Pruvit’s SmartShip Program –
Customers can receive 22% off their entire order every month in addition to a Free box of product every 4 months when they sign up for SmartShip. Learn more about SmartShip here.
2. Pruvit’s Free Product Program –
Pruvit customers can get Free product every month by referring 2 SmartShip customers.
The way it works is: YOU on SmartShip + REFER 2 Customers on SmartShip = FREE product the next month & EVERY month after that provided you have 2 Customers on SmartShip.
*The average of the 2 largest orders are awarded as Pruvit Bucks, which will be automatically applied to your SmartShip order. Learn more here.
3. Wait for the next Pruvit Sale –
Because Pruvit is a customer-focused company, often they have online sales during holidays or special events. However, the discount amount is never certain, and they don’t always have sales when you think it should happen, so you may be left waiting for long periods of time.

Enter Your Pruvit Coupon Code during the Checkout Process.
We have $10 Pruvit coupon codes to give away!
In conclusion, you really don’t need a Pruvit coupon code to save a buck on Pruvit products. However…
If you are purchasing Pruvit products for the first time, and would still like to receive a coupon for a quick discount, fill out the contact form below and tell us what product(s) you are interested in buying. We’ll reach out to you with details on how to get your free $10 coupon code!
Disclaimer: We offer coupon codes to new Pruvit customers only. If you are already a Pruvit customer, please do not attempt to ask us for a coupon. We offer our $10 coupon codes based on the small commission that we make on each purchase from our valued customers. Coupon codes are limited!
Can the coupon be used under a different promoter then who it was generated under?
We only give out coupon codes to those who have never been a Pruvit customer before, and also use our Pruvit affiliate link to make their purchase. We do not give coupon codes to existing Pruvit Customers or Promoters. This offer is for new signups only.